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Price Match Guarantee

We will match the prices of competitors in our areas to ensure our customers are getting the best deal on their storage space. Simply show us evidence of our competitors quoted or advertised price for the same space, and we will match it!


  • Competitor facility must be “like for like” i.e. must be the same type and standard of facility

  • Unit location must be on the same level and have similar accessibility

  • Pricing must be from a competitor located in the same general area, within a 5km radius from our location

  • We will guarantee the price for 6 months from move in date

  • Excludes pricing not available to the general public e.g. trade, special event, club or membership offers

  • Restricted to one price match per customer

  • Excludes advertising errors (either ours or competitors)

Rhodes Self Storage Price match
Price match guarantee



0415 218 888




Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 8.30am - 4.30pm
​​Saturday: 8.30am - 12.30pm

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