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How to declutter your home in preparation for sale!

Decluttering is one of those things that everyone knows they should do, but most people put off until as late as possible. If you’re preparing to sell your home or move out, now is the perfect time to finally take the time to declutter your home! There are no excuses left at this stage put off cleaning up and sorting through your old belongings, and it will increase the chances of selling your house!

To add to the benefits of decluttering, you can place the belongings you want to keep in secure self storage units for the duration of your move. These cherished belongings (and the memories they carry) can then be withdrawn to place in your brand new home!

Decluttering your home for sale

A clean home is more likely to receive the attention of a potential buyer, and decluttering at the time of sale is beneficial to the sale of your home! This is the combined duty of both the vendor and the agent, and will make your home more presentable in photos and open inspections.

Decluttering your excess belongings and ‘mess’ will increase the appeal of your house to potential buyers, who will instantly see the home as cleaner and easier to live in. This will also create a more accurate reflection of what the home will be like when they actually move into the home, aligning with their expectations and increasing the chance they buy!

Decluttering tips

A lot of people struggling with decluttering, or even mustering up the motivation to start the process! If you are one of these people, don’t worry, you’re not alone. A lot of the struggle around decluttering comes from the restrictive mentality of getting rid of items with emotional value, and many homeowners struggle to make the decision to get rid of items with sentimental value. To help you out, here are some of our top tips to getting over the hump and efficiently move through the declutter process!

The best tip is to be decisive. Quite often people can deliberate over whether to keep or move an item, only to reconsider their decision and go back on their call. The declutter process becomes a lot more effective if you make conclusive decisions on each item as you get to it, rather than doubting your choice or putting it aside for later consideration.

A major struggle people have is deliberating the emotional value of belongings. It is hard to get rid of items with sentimental value, such as old toys or achievements. Try to rank these belongings in terms of emotional and physical value, and restrict yourself to only keeping a certain amount. This way, you’ll quickly identify which belongings are actually worth holding on to, and which you can live without.

If you are still struggling to declutter your home, consider employing the help of a professional organiser or decluttering service. These specialists are the experts in home organisation and helping to decipher what is worth keeping and what is worth removing.

Storing your belongings

One of the hardest things people face when decluttering is getting rid of belongings with sentimental or monetary value, but what if we told you there was another option? Those belongings which you do not want to get rid of can be stored securely with Rhodes Self Storage while you prepare your home for sale!

When you move into your new home, you can then withdraw these items or leave them in storage for some extra room, and they will still be there waiting for you when you need them! By decluttering and securely storing your goods, your home will have the best chances of sale, and you will able to sort through your belongings and keep the important things for when you need them!

Need boxes to help you move? Want to secure a storage unit for your excess belongings? Get in touch with Rhodes Self Storage today! Call us on 02 8765 1888 or Contact Us via our website.


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